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Today’s Spotlight: NYS Conservative Party-The Good Fight, weekly roundup of the madness of state and federal government!

March 6, 2013

Conservative Party of New York State

NYSCP The Good Fight:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The New York State Assembly is poised to pass a minimum wage bill today (see our memo’s opposed to the bill here) and we urge the Members of the Legislature to read what the Heritage Foundation has to say about raising the minimum wage before casting their vote.
Larry Kudlow speaks out on Sequestration.   And John Podhoretz writes “He did it to himself”, while the Washington Examiner believes the President is bruised. Human Events makes a point.
A little late in posting this, but as the old saying goes, better late than never.
Charles Gaspirano asked the question “Where is Chuck Schumer when you need him”    MIA and so is Senator Gillibrand and Governor Cuomo when it comes to the banking regulations that are harming New York’s economy.
The DOJ continues to undermine families.   I would tell them to read this, Marriage and Politics, but it would only fall on deaf ears and blind eyes.  Americans elected an Administration that believes government is your family and is doing all it can to end the American Dream that acknowledges the strength of family, not government.
Pete DuPont is right:  The entitlement mentality can’t survive a weak economy.
John R. Lott, Jr., writes “What Motivates Mass Murders“, certainly his words must be considered by elected officials.
Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell.

Monday, March 4, 2013

What was City Council Speaker Quinn thinking?  “Innocent teenagers” and the City should pay up?  Is this the leadership becoming of a Mayor?  New Yorker’s must be wary of this kind of thinking.  And New Yorkers should be questioning why people make certain endorsements.…what is the motive?
Why is Governor Cuomo considering lowering the age to 18 to play “Quick Draw’ in bars when you can’t legally drink until you are 21?  Perhaps a better question would be:  Why the need to expand “Quick Draw” at all, why does the Governor have an insatiable need for money?  Turn off the spigot, spending is out of control.
Will hydrofracking ever come to New York?  Not if Governor Cuomo’s former brother-in-law has a say, and he obviously had his say.
The NY Post has a good editorial “Ethics for fun and profit.”
When did the politician’s role become helping their friends and ignoring the cost to taxpayers?
Bob McManus has a good column in today’s New York Post. Jimmy Vielkind, writing in today’s Albany Times Union, seems to echo some of what McManus wrote…. very interesting that both have some of the same concerns.
George J. Marlin writes about LI Power: The political hot potato.
Forget Steve Austin’s $6 million man, we have a $6 TRILLION man!
Will the President help Americans or will he continue to stifle the Keystone XL Pipeline?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Shuttered businesses, higher taxes and spending, more crime: The reasons not to allow casino gambling in New York are compelling and many.” That’s from my take on the push for casinos in New York, featured in today’s New York Post.
Where do you stand on this? Do you agree with the Conservative Party, or Andrew Cuomo and the liberals? Give you opinion today in our new Weekly Poll.
Remember the last time the Cuomo crew promised us the sun, moon and stars: “I am proud to be a New Yorker today,” the Governor said when he signed his control bill back in January.  “Not just because New York has the first bill, but because New York has the best bill.”
The bill was “common sense,” according to Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins – or, “responsible” as Mayor Bloomberg put it… because they had all read the bill in detail and understood all of its provisions, right?
Wrong.  Cuomo and friends are now scrambling to fix what they heralded as the best bill ever, and the Governor is especially eager to address Hollywood’s concerns over the new gun controls (with police concerns being a mere footnote to the new adjustments).  Gotta keep those West Coast campaign contributions coming, after all…
In Washington, sequester hysteria has become laughable thanks to Maxine Waters, who predicts that spending cuts could cause 170 million jobs to be lost.
As National Review helpfully points out, “134 million people have jobs in America.”
How many of Rep. Waters’ 170 million jobs killed by sequester will be teachers? None, despite the claims of the Obama Administration.
As Charles Krauthammer says of Obama, “His incentive to deliberately make the most painful and socially disruptive cuts possible (say, oh, releasing illegal immigrants from detention) is enormous. And alarming.”
Give Team Obama credit, they can twist the facts about any number of topics at the same time.  Take Michelle Obama: To hear her tell it, her “Let’s Move” anti-obesity program started trimming kids down five years before it was launched.
With all the manufactured crises being generated by the Obama Administration, it’s easy to forget that there is genuinely cause for concern when it comes to Social Security, Medicare and especially America’s national defenses.
In contrast to the Obama Administration’s fear-mongering over the federal budget, the President wants us to believe that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to border security. Not true, says people who actually know what they’re talking about.
But when you have incompetents running the show, this is what happens.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

We have just returned from the largest rally that Albany’s Capitol has seen in years.  The local paper (Albany Times Union) says about 5000 people gathered to protest Governor Cuomo’s “NY SAFE ACT” passed on the first day of the 2013 Legislative Session.  As Sen. O’Mara said at the rally, he waited longer to speak than the bill was on his desk.  The West Capitol Park was a sea of people and I personally believe that the number in the Times Union (supporters of the anti-2nd Amendment bill) is way off.  I heard State Police estimate over 12,000 people.  This much is certain, the people who attended the rally were there on their own accord unlike many of the “rent-a-crowd” rallies that have taken place in Albany.
NRA President, David Keene, (described as a gentleman who sticks to his guns) was the keynote speaker and decried the manner in which Governor Cuomo pushed the bill through the legislature and believes Cuomo will find himself unelectable nationally.
Party Executive Director, Shaun Marie, addressed the 2nd Amendment supporters and told them, rest assured the Conservative Party stands with every single person who is here today — that we will do all we can to REPEAL Governor Andrew Cuomo’s NY SAFE ACT.  The NY SAFE ACT leaves us all vulnerable to those who have no regard for the law and the way Governor Andrew Cuomo demanded it be passed on the first day of the legislative session indicates he has little regard for the law-abiding citizens who own guns.  Repeal — not amend!”
In other news, Sequestration is inevitable and John Brennan has a Benghazi problem.  The Dems just do not understand; spending is the problem. President Obama threatens to veto GOP plan.  Bob Woodward does not back down and continues to be critical of the President. Woodward not the only one threatened, Lanny Davis and why you should be concerned.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More sequestration hype here but apparently Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) does not understand the spending problems America faces.  Rep. Lee introduced legislation to create a Cabinet level -Secretary of Peacebuilding!
President Obama (and Senator Reid)  wants to raise taxes and doesn’t believe we have a spending problem…. Reason.Com explains why he is wrong.
Phil Gramn, who knows a thing or two on how to manage budgets shows his monetary wisdom  in today’s Wall Street Journal article. (subscription required)
American Enterprise Institute has an excellent article on “The Presidency Redefined.”
Here is a novel idea:  How about cutting the employees the federal government pays not to work for Uncle Sam?
Investors abandon solar; is any one surprised?
Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams — a must read on President Obama’s wanting to raise the minimum wage.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

NYC Mayoral candidate, George McDonald, scores a win in Court, but AG Schneiderman is challenging his win.  If AG Schneiderman is successful, New Yorkers will be the losers.
To say that NYC Comptroller John Liu is in above his head would be an understatement.
Bill O’Reilly strongly criticizes Governor Cuomo’s radical abortion plan.  He, O’Reilly, has more faith in Americans right now than Rush Limbaugh does.
Sequestration!  According to the Administration, Sequestration equals Armageddon and we are doomed if sequestration takes place. Bob Woodward reminds us that this was the Administration’s idea.  The NY Post reminds us that it equals 2.4 cents per dollar.  Michael Goodwin writes about the Administration’s super hype to scare the population.  Speaker Boehner is upset about President Obama using the Military as a prop in the debate.  The Heritage Foundation has practical solutions.  Seriously, President Obama, do you really have to raise the terror threat?    Andrew Malcolm reminds us that the President  is now blaming Republicans for his idea.   This chart helps explain spending continues just at a slightly — 2.4% — less rate. (The way the Administration is carrying on, one would think that the sequestration was cutting 20% from current spending rather than 2.4% of projected spending.)
President Obama still insists spending is not our biggest problem.
With “logic” like this, no wonder the Administration thinks the way it does.  If this think tank is his favorite place to get policy advice, we really are doomed.
President Obama should start listening to Dr. Benjamin Carson instead of the Center for American Progress.
Lest we forget:  The Power of Economic Progress.
Bill Hammond thinks hydrofracking may be acceptable.  Welcome aboard, Mr. Hammond.
Tuesday’s with Thomas Sowell.

Monday, February 25, 2013

In a Newsmax article you can read here  former Governor Pataki speaks out on Governor Cuomo’s radical plan to expand abortions in New York State.

Meanwhile, Governor Cuomo’s top legal aide, Nancy Denerstein,  tries to “correct” the “wildly false misinformation” those of us who respect life are saying which is based on the only bill that is available for us to review.  The bottom line is simple:  Innocent Life at any stage must be respected.  The NY Times’ headline is correct when it states “Cuomo Bucks Tide With Bill to Ease Limits on Abortion.”  With all of the advances in medicine, it is making people realize that this unborn child can no longer be called anything except an innocent unborn child.
The New York City Mayor’s race is wide open and hopefully residents are listening to all the candidates.  The Conservative Party is paying close attention to the race.
Another good article —  dealing with the issue of binding arbitration — by E. J. McMahon in Newsday.  (subscription required.)
Governor Cuomo is raising money and recognition out side of New York State.  Do you still think he isn’t running for President?   For a person who wants campaign finance reform, he certainly does not hesitate to fund raise for what he wants.  And, of course,  what George Soros wants…..
It really is unfortunate that neither understand the ramifications of raising the minimum wage.
Speaker Silver always wants more.  He will disregard rules or laws if they don’t fit what he demands and will work around ways to be certain to get the money for his pets….taxpayers don’t matter.
About that promise the President made to Americans about their health care,  apparently he can’t keep it. 
The Heritage Foundation thinks the President is a flip-flopper, especially on same-sex marriage.
I can’t help but wonder if this was part of Governor Brown’s plan to raise the taxes even higher in California, knowing full well the residents will not put up with this.
Even the CBC (Citizens Budget Commission) is rejecting a Gov. Cuomo budget proposal.

Weekly Poll

Governor Andrew Cuomo and his liberal allies claim that casinos will unleash economic growth in New York and benefit all taxpayers. Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long, in a column for the New York Post, argues that letting casinos take over is a bad deal for New York.

Do you support giving big casinos free rein throughout New York?

Feb 23rd National Day of Resistance in defense of our 2A Rights! / Feb 28th The NYS Rifle-Pistol Association Lobby Day and Rally Albany / and Sign these NY Petitions!

February 22, 2013

Sat., Feb 23rd – National Day of Resistance in defense of our 2A Rights!


PRO-2A Rally Set For Sat., Chaut County, Frewsburg, NY!

  • Facebook Tell a friend / Share on Twitter
  • Saturday, February 23, 2013 Noon-4:00 PM
  • Frewsburg Blue Building, Station 2, Hazzard ST, Frewsburg, NY(map)
  • A gun appreciation rally will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday in the Frewsburg Blue Building, Station 2, Hazzard Street, Frewsburg. Guest speakers will include Andrew Goodell, New York state assemblyman; Jacqueline Chiarot, for U.S. Congressman Tom Reed; New York State Sen. Cathy Young’s representative; and Stephen Aldstadt of S.C.O.P.E. Inc. Tables will feature Rod and Gun clubs, Shooting groups, Veterans groups, Trapping organizations and Political action groups.

NEXT UP, FEB 28th~ Albany~ The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Lobby Day and Rally (SEE BELOW)




REPEAL CUOMO GUN LAWS / Sign Assemblyman DiPietro’s Petition

Last Updated on Sunday, 27 January 2013 13:18 | Written by Administrator

Keep The Date Open ~FEBRUARY 28, 2013~ Albany

The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Lobby Day and Rally

Click Here For More Information!

More supporters: RSVP and info here, on Facebook.

There a few seats left on the 2A Coalition of WNY’s bus — email Ashleigh at or call (716)539-9092.  Alternately, SCOPE is providing bus transportation from all over the state – just contact SCOPE.


Legal action against Cuomo gun law

Updated on Wednesday, 30 January 2013 10:35 | Written by Administrator

NYSRPA, in co-operation with the NRA, are having the Cuomo law reviewed by a highly qualified legal team.  We ask that no other 3rd party legal action be taken without prior consultation.  We realize that this law impacts a large number of people, but a proper legal review will take some time.  Involved in the lawsuit will be two of the  nations best 2nd Amendment attorneys.  This is a very  important proceeding and must be handled properly with the best lawyers.  We will not win without support from gun owners.  You can help either by joining/renewing your membership or making a online donation.

Please do not call or e-mail the office or directors asking for more information.  Any announcements on this issue will be published here on our website.  Thank you for your understanding.

New Class-Action Lawsuit — WE THE PEOPLE

WTPWe the People of New York Inc. invites us to join the lawsuit to strike down the NY SAFE Act, and to Petition the Legislature for violation of Article XIII of our NYS Constitution, which says ALL of us are members of the State Militia.

Simply click here:, then click on I AM IN!

Be sure and read how Switzerland has the lowest gun-related crime rate in the civilized world with zero terrorism, and how ammunition is actually supplied to the public by the Swiss government!  (Just click on the white buttoned tab on the lower right of the main photo) “Our work in defense of the State and Federal Constitutions has always been rooted in the Rights of the People and the obligations of the Government under the last ten words of the First Amendment. Known as the accountability clause, those words guarantee the Right of the People to PEACEFULLY hold the Government accountable to the rest of the Constitution.”   – Bob Schulz, WTP

BREAKING: Sorry Andy, No Truce – We won’t be Bribed !!!

  • Cuomo Proposes Lowering Hunting, Fishing Fees, But Gun Enthusiasts Still Don’t Like Him NYSRPA February 21, 2013 Cuomo Proposes Lowering Hunting, Fishing Fees, But Gun Enthusiasts Still Don’t Like Him – Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed streamlining the process of acquiring state hunting and fishing licenses and reducing their cost by 25 percent in a budgetary amendment on Wednesday. He called the current state licensing system “overly complex, burdensome and bizarre” and vow […]
  • Cuomo Seeks Truce With Sportsmen By Proposing Lower License Fees Mayor Graham February 21, 2013 It’s virtually unheard of for government to reduce a fee, so one wonders the reason behind Governor Cuomo’s across the board proposed cuts in hunting and fishing license fees. Mr. Cuomo made the proposal as part of amendments to his proposed budget. Since what goes up never goes down, I assume the license fees are an effort to reach out to […]

20 Counties say NO to NY SAFE Act!

Un-SafeAct_zpsd1ec6353Counties that have PASSED Resolutions to Oppose the SAFE Act: Cattaraugus, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Lewis, Livingston, Madison, Oneida, Orange, Orleans, Oswego, Putnam, Rensselaer, Schoharie, Tioga, Ulster, Warren, Washington, Wyoming, and Yates Get the most updated information on County Resolutions opposing the SAFE Act, those pending, and check out the map at Check out Towns, Law Enforcement Agencies and County Clerks list here: NY SAFE Resolutions

To view the larger map from AR15 and for links to all the passed and pending resolutions, click here.

Some of the latest news:

Counties Condemning NY SAFE Act February 20, 2013 – More counties will soon vote on resolutions and motions regarding the NY SAFE Act.

Niagara Co. Leg wants SAFE Act repealed February 19, 2013 The Niagara County Legislature took up the issue of the NY SAFE Act Tuesday night, and all 14 county lawmakers voted for a resolution calling on Albany to repeal the new gun law.

  • Niagara Legislature poised to urge repeal of state gun law February  18, 2013 LOCKPORT – The Niagara County Legislature may vote Tuesday to urge the State Legislature to repeal the expanded gun-control law that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed Jan. 15.The Republican-controlled Legislature had several anti-gun-control resolutions on its agenda that night, but they were all sent to committee, as the State Legislature’s hurried passage of the […]
  • Niagara County Legislature Takes Up Gun Resolutions February 15, 2013 The Niagara County Legislature has three resolutions on this Tuesday’s agenda concerning the NY-SAFE Act. They are in opposition to the renewal of pistol permits every five years, the public access to the names and address of residents with NYS pistol permits and the third one is to oppose the law in its entirety. The complete agenda can be found here ( […]

Greene County lawmakers advance anti-SAFE resolution (with video, resolutions)

Published: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 By ARIEL ZANGLA Daily Freeman staff – Opposes the SAFE act as well as objects to the latest proposal in the Assembly regarding liability insurance calling it “nothing more than a back-door attempt to prohibit legal gun ownership in this state” !

Rockland County Revolution February 21, 2013 – Rockland Revolution – Hundreds of citizens who believe in the rights and tradition of gun ownership were pleasantly surprised at the results of Tuesday’s meeting of the Rockland County Legislature. Behind the bullish efforts of Republican Legislator Frank Sparaco and the parliamentary influence of Democratic Legislator Ilan Schoenberger, two significant res […]

Ulster Legislature votes to back repealing gun laws

By Michael Novinson Times Herald-Record – 02/20/13 – Two hours of comments as 1,000 attend!

Oswego County passes resolution calling for repeal of NY SAFE Act

By Ken Sturtz l The Post-Standard on February 14, 2013

Montgomery vote on SAFE resolution February 15, 2013 – The Montgomery Co. Board of Supervisors are planning to vote on a resolution opposing the NY SAFE ACT at their monthly meeting, February 26, 2013 at the Board of Supervisor chambers located in the DMV building at the county complex in Fonda. Meeting time is 6:00pm.

Wyoming Co. Lawmakers Rap SAFE Act – Pass resolution calling on NY State to repeal controversial gun laws

Suffolk County Legislature: To introduce a resolution calling for the repeal of the NY SAFE Act

Riga joins communities opposed to new gun laws – 02/20/13 – The town of Riga has joined a small but growing chorus of municipalities vocalizing opposition to the state’s new gun control law. Last week, the Riga Town Board voted 4 to 0 to adopt a resolution condemning the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act of 2013. “The Riga Town Board does hereby oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms and consider such laws to be unnecessary and beyond lawful legislative authority granted to our state representatives,” the resolution reads.

Oneota: Over 200 Attend Citizen Voices Meeting to Speak Out Against the NY SAFE Act – 02/20/13 – Over 200 hundred people attended the Tuesday evening Citizen Voices meeting at the Elks Club in Oneonta. They were there to voice their concerns with the NY SAFE Act gun law. There were numerous speakers including Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Assemblymen Cliff Crouch and state senator James Seward.

If You Read Just One Civilian Disarmanent-Related Article Today, This is the One to Read

The Saratoga [NY] County Deputy Sheriff’s Police Benevolent Association’s letter to the New York pols who passed the so-called SAFE Act was sent January 24. It’s a must-read missive for anyone who cherishes their right to keep and bear arms. Or anyone who believes that the government of the United States should be by the people for the people, according to limits established by the Constitution.

Sheriff Tim Howard of Erie County and the PBA Lay it on the Line

To: The citizens of Erie CountyFrom: The Erie County Sheriff’s Police Benevolent Association.

“…..Our membership, like many citizens of New York are outraged at Governor  Cuomo’s unprecedented attack on our second amendment rights. Since 1977  three Erie County Sheriff’s Deputies have been murdered and three  wounded by gunfire in the line of duty. In addition two deputies have  been forced to use deadly force to defend themselves from lethal attack  by criminals.

There is a widespread misconception that law enforcement officers  favor additional restrictions on firearms ownership by law abiding  citizens. Nothing could be further from the truth. Rank and file police  officers see every day the aftermath of violent criminal attacks on  defenseless victims. The uniformed police officers paraded out as window dressing during the signing of these laws are simply lap dogs seeking  to further their own political ambitions.

The right of self-defense is an inherent right bestowed upon us by  our creator. It is not granted to us by elitist politicians like Andrew  Cuomo and Sheldon Silver to be denied when they see fit….” Read it all here

SENATOR PATRICK M. GALLIVAN, Former State Trooper and Former Sheriff of Erie County Voted “NO” On Omnibus Gun Control Package.

Erie County Legislature calls for repeal of SAFE Act February 21, 2013 -By Denise Jewell Gee Erie County legislators have added their voices to a chorus of people across the state calling for the new state gun law to be repealed. The County Legislature voted, 7 to 4, on Thursday to approve a resolution calling on the state to repeal and revise the New York State SAFE Act of 2013 “in a manner that is respectful of the Second Amen […]

Western New Yorkers Part of Big Gun  Rally in Albany February 12, 2013 – Hundreds turnout at the State Capitol to protest the SAFE Act.

Gun meeting draws anger in Clarence

CLARENCE, N.Y. (WIVB) – In Clarence, tempers flared as gun-owners met with state officials to talk about the New York SAFE Act. Continue reading and watch the video here at WIVB.

Chautauqua County Legislature Committee Discusses NY SAFE ActLegislators Look To Pass Motion To Repeal Act – February 21, 2013 The Post-Journal – MAYVILLE – A controversial New York state law is causing some conversation within the County Legislature. The Public Safety Committee discussed the NY SAFE Act during its Wednesday meeting. Legislators Fred Croscut, R-Sherman, and Robert Stewart, R-Ellington, submitted to the legislature a motion calling for the repeal of the act…

  • Chautauqua County Legislators pushing for repeal of SAFE Act – 2/15/2013 1:13:19 PM Two members of the Chautauqua County Legislature would like to see legislators back a motion that would urge state lawmakers to repeal tougher gun laws that were recently enacted in New York State. Legislators Fred Croscut and Robert Stewart have sponsored the measure that will be taken up by the County Legislature’s public safety committee next week. Croscut recently attended a meeting of the New York Association of Counties. He says a number of groups are pushing to have the law repealed. [Croscut- A number of groups want it repealed Download Audio File] Croscut says he is not opposed to all of the provisions included in the SAFE Act, but there are too many flaws. The Sherman Republican hopes to get the support of enough county legislators to pass the motion. (Read the Resolution here)

Cattaraugus County resolution opposing NY SAFE bill

Passed on February 13th unanimously. Cattaraugus Legislature Minutes 20130213 by Evan Hempel

NY SAFE Resolutions Documenting County and Town resolutions on the NY SAFE act

Feb 20, 2013 ALBANY — More than two dozen counties and local governments have passed resolutions in opposition to New York’s gun-control law. Some call the law unconstitutional, some want a full repeal, and others raise concern about unfunded mandates that the law may produce. While the resolutions are ceremonial, local leaders said they want the message to get across to state officials that people are unhappy with the law.

Local leaders, mainly Republicans, said they were responding to the concerns of residents. On Tuesday night, about 1,000 residents attended an Ulster County Legislature meeting as lawmakers adopted a resolution opposed to the gun law signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Jan. 15. The Niagara County Legislature passed a similar resolution Tuesday.

“We hope it has influence,” said Wayne Speenburgh, chairman of the Greene County Legislature, which was expected to vote on its resolution Wednesday night. “Since I’ve been a legislator, and I’m in my 10th year, I’ve probably never seen the constituents on any subject more outraged than over this law.”

Monroe County Legislature chairman Jeff Adair said he’s received calls and emails from residents and groups urging the county to take a stand against the law. He said one would likely be considered at the legislature’s next meeting on March 12.

Last week, the Riga Town Board and Orleans County Legislature both adopted resolutions condemning the SAFE Act.

The third rally to oppose the law is planned for Thursday, Feb. 28, at the Capitol. Organizers said they are bringing busloads of thousands of gun-rights supporters to Albany for the event. Local leaders said the push for resolutions in opposition to the gun law hasn’t come from one particular group. While some counties have consulted with one another about how to craft the resolutions, there isn’t one specific template that they are all using — though many are similar.

The resolutions in Ulster and Wyoming counties run four to five pages and both say, “This legislation effectively turns countless New York State law-abiding gun owners into criminals.” “This gun law was poorly drafted, it was poorly passed. It really does need a lot of fixes,” said Ulster County Legislature chairwoman Terry Bernardo.

A Livingston County resolution was one page and states, “The law’s definition of assault weapons is too broad, and prevents the possession of many weapons that are legitimately used for hunting, target shooting and self defense.” Livingston County Administrator Ian Coyle said county officials were also concerned about the added local cost to enforce the law.

Rockland County passed a resolution Tuesday in opposition to the law, and Tioga County recently passed one.

Dutchess County said it, like Monroe, is considering a resolution. “It’s important to so many people that we need to discuss it,” said Robert Rolison, the Dutchess County Legislature chairman.

“It’s got grass-roots. There’s no overarching group pushing this,” said Evan Hempel, a Town Board member in Clermont, Columbia County, who is keeping track of ALL the resolutions on a website,

02/05/13 New York State Association of County Clerks Opposes portions of the NYSAFE ACT Click here to read the PDF

01/31/13 A Letter From The Special Forces Community Concerning The Second Amendment Click here to read the article

01/30/13 Cuomo’s Approval Rating Plummets Click here to read the article

01/25/13 NYS Sheriff´s Association Response to NY SAFE Act Click here to read the article

2/19/2013  There’s plenty of confusion about the process for current pistol permit holders who want to have their names and addresses removed from the public record under the state’s new SAFE Act …read more

On the mental health aspects of the bills, also problematic: Advocates voice concern over gun law – WIVB February 13, 2013 – The NY SAFE Act requires mental health professionals to report the names of potentially dangerous patients to authorities. But some are concerned the new law threatens the rights of the mentally ill, who advocates argue could be stereotyped.

Hearing on state gun-control law brings variety of objections – Buffalo News – Objections at hearing cite aspect of breaching code on mental health: “This was very hastily prepared and not robustly considered legislation as it could have been from many dimensions,” said Kenneth P. Houseknecht, executive director of the Erie County Mental Health Association. Mental health advocates expressed concern over the legislation’s less publicized provisions, such as requiring doctors and counselors to report potentially violent clients to the state. That’s a serious breach of doctor-patient confidentiality, they said.

Hooray!  6 gun companies refuse sales to NY govt agencies that restrict lawful gun ownership

Bravo to our neighbors: Pennsylvania Police Chief looks to build a reserve force to resist federal authorities

Impeach Andrew Cuomo

On January 15th, 2013, Governor Andrew Cuomo dealt a major blow to your second amendment rights. His new firearms bill will cost the state millions in new registration databases and enforcement, cost dealers thousands in absurd record keeping and make you a criminal for possessing the same firearms you owned legally on January 14th, 2013. All of these additional costs will burden the consumer and the tax payer. The new law will do nothing to curb gun violence or stop a mass murder. But those who voted for it and the Governor do not care; they don´t want you to own firearms PERIOD. Not only does this measure trample the very Constitution he swore to uphold, but it was rushed through in the middle of the night. The bill was not released to the public before it was voted on and Cuomo waived the mandatory three day cooling off period before forcing a vote. He is a treasonous tyrant who is out of control. Sign the petition to impeach this man and restore our once great State from the top down.

Uncle Sam 2.

Sat., Feb 23rd – National Day of Resistance in defense of our 2A Rights!

2nd Amendment Coalition PO Box 204 Grand Island, NY  14072 Tel: (716) 539-9092 Email:
CAPITOL REGION Upstate Conservative Coalition http://www.upstatecon… Email: Serving Saratoga and surrounding counties
Capital Region Campaign For Liberty https://www.facebook…. Email: Phone: 518.635.0245Capital District Political Action Network Serving the Capital Region
HUDSON VALLEY Hudson Valley Americans for Freedom… Serving the Hudson Valley RegionUlster County Federation For event info, go to Monroe County Patriots Contact: Jeddy at — 585 230 9303

Turn Albany Upside Down of Broome County

TEA New York Serving Western NY

DOWNSTATE: Conservative Society for Action

STATEWIDE GROUPS WE THE PEOPLE OF NEW YORK INC. Sign on to the new class -action lawsuit here: http://wethepeopleofn…

SCOPE / NYSRPA / NRA / Sons of Liberty Riders / Oathkeepers / / 2ACWNY / Unite for Our Rights in Albany

TOWNS Town of Colden / Town of Deerpark / Town of Hoosick / Town of Shandaken / Town of Union Vale
LAW ENFORCEMENT Erie County Sheriff  /Erie County Sheriff’s PBA / New York State Sheriffs’ Association / Saratoga County Sheriff’s Association / Schuyler County Sheriff /Steuben County Deputy Sheriff’s Association
COUNTY CLERKS New York State Association of County Clerks

Declaration To Defy The NY SAFE Act Of 2013: Excellent Letter to the Editor

Feb 4, 2013 – New York –( We the People of New York State, that is, the natural persons lawfully residing within this state, do hereby order and direct, The governor and the senate to immediately repeal the NY SAFE act of 2013. This is not a request or a demand, but an order and directive, as it is unlawful, null and void, being in direct opposition to the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of New York Civil Rights – Article 2 – § 4. This is the will of the people, and as you are our duly appointed representatives, you will see to it that our will is carried out. The RIGHT to keep and bear arms is the RIGHT of all the people. This RIGHT is not subject to registration. Registration means surrendering our lawful RIGHT in exchange for permission, which may or may not be granted, or can be taken away, at the behest of the magistrate. This goes beyond infringement or diminishing our RIGHT. It is direct violation of the very principle upon which this RIGHT was declared in our constitution. Our founding fathers came from a European tradition in which only the nobility and chivalry had the right to keep and bear arms, and the peasantry had no such rights, but may be awarded the privilege if his lord saw fit. Our nation was founded upon the principle that We the People are the sovereign kings and queens of this land, and as such all people are as nobles, that there shall be no peasants, and you, duly appointed representatives, are charged with the task of carrying out our will. So the principle of the right to keep and bear arms predates the advent of the firearm, let alone the semi-auto-loading types, and this principle does not change with the emergence of new technology. Continue reading at

Wishing all a Merry CHRISTmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Joyous New Year

December 19, 2012

Merry CHRISTmas To All and a Happy New Year


CHRISTmas IsaiahCHRISTmas John

christmas 2012


December 9, 2012 by ccrofny


To the American Jewish, our friends the Israeli’s, and all Jewish people around the world, a few of whom our dear friends – Happy Hanukkah to all.

Blessings in America – Happy Thanksgiving

November 22, 2012

George Washington’s Proclamation for Thanksgiving

Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

Did you know that it was Abraham Lincoln who, in the midst of the Civil War, in 1863, established the annual celebration of Thanksgiving? Lincoln had learned how important it is to stop and thank God in the midst of great difficulties.

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.

It has seemed to me fit and proper that [the gifts of God] should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged with one heart and one voice by the whole American people. I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens… to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens.”

~Abraham Lincoln~


CalvinThe season again approaches when it has been the custom for generations to set apart a day of thanksgiving for the blessings which the giver of all good and perfect gifts has bestowed upon us during the year. It is most becoming that we should do this, for the goodness and mercy of God which have followed us through the year deserve our grateful recognition and acknowledgment. Through His Divine favor peace and tranquillity have reigned throughout the land; He has protected our country as a whole against pestilence and disaster and has directed us in the ways of National prosperity. Our fields have been abundantly productive; our industries have flourished; our commerce has increased; wages have been lucrative, and comfort and contentment have followed the undisturbed pursuit of honest toil. As we have prospered in material things, so have we also grown and expanded in things spiritual. Through divine inspiration we have enlarged our charities and our missions; we have been imbued with high ideals which have operated for the benefit of the world and the promotion of the brotherhood of man through peace and good will. Wherefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States, do hereby set apart Thursday, the twenty-ninth day of November next as a day of general thanksgiving and prayer, and I recommend that on that day the people shall cease from their daily work, and in their homes and in their accustomed places of worship, devoutly give thanks to the Almighty for the many and great blessings they have received, and seek His guidance that they may deserve a continuance of His favor. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this 23d day of October, in the year of our Lord One thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States, the One Hundred and Fifty-third. ~ CALVIN COOLIDGE


RonaldTwo hundred years ago, the Congress of the United States issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation stating that it was “the indispensable duty of all nations” to offer both praise and supplication to God. Above all other nations of the world, America has been especially blessed and should give special thanks. We have bountiful harvests, abundant freedoms, and a strong, compassionate people. I have always believed that this anointed land was set apart in an uncommon way, that a divine plan placed this great continent here between the oceans to be found by people from every corner of the Earth who had a special love of faith and freedom. Our pioneers asked that He would work His will in our daily lives so America would be a land of morality, fairness, and freedom. Today we have more to be thankful for than our pilgrim mothers and fathers who huddled on the edge of the New World that first Thanksgiving Day could ever dream. We should be grateful not only for our blessings, but for the courage and strength of our ancestors which enable us to enjoy the lives we do today. Let us reaffirm through prayers and actions our thankfulness for America’s bounty and heritage. NOW, THEREFORE, I, RONALD REAGAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 25, 1982, as a National Day of Thanksgiving and I call upon all of our citizens to set aside that day for appropriate expressions of thanksgiving. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of Sept. in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and seventh. ~ RONALD REAGAN

Thanksgiving for Liberty ‘Endowed by Our Creator’

2012-11-21-alexander-thumbnailBy Mark Alexander November 21, 2012 PDF
I welcome this Thanksgiving week as an opportunity to pause, step back, and reflect upon how blessed we really are, blessed far beyond any measure of what we deserve. It comes this year at a time of bitter setback for our nation’s great heritage of Liberty.

Speak out now: Say NO to raises for NYS lawmakers, already the 2nd highest paid in the country!

November 16, 2012

A message from the Upstate Conservative Coalition []

This comes from our Legislation expert John Bergener, we knew this was coming now we need to try to stop it.

Please pass this on to anyone you know in NYS:

The NY Legislators are planning to come back After Thanksgiving to raise their own pay and maybe pass other things as well. NYS now has the second highest paid Legislators in the USA, they want to be #1 in pay again; even though the NYS is broke.

They are waiting until after their re-election in the hope the voters will forget in two years when they run again. Email your Assemblyman at and your NYS Senator at & Gov. Cuomo at  now! Let them NOT to raise their pay or you will remember in 2014.

Note 4 years ago angry voter e-mails killed a planned pay raise!

Veterans Day 2012: Thank a Vet, thank their family.

November 12, 2012

Veterans Day 2012

Today Is Veterans Day

Patriot Post November 11, 2012

      Millions of Patriots — American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coastguardsmen — have, for generations honored their oath to “support and defend” our the Liberty enshrined in our Constitution. Today, we formally honor them. We remain the proud and the free because they have stood bravely in harm’s way, and millions remain on post today. For this, we, the American People, offer our heartfelt thanks.

Today is Veterans Day. Make sure and thank a Vet.

Also, don’t miss Mark Alexander’s 2011 essay, The Most Noble of American Patriots.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:12-14)

“Mighty men of valor, men trained for war, who could handle shield and spear, and whose faces were like the faces of lions.” (1 Chronicles 12:8)

American Patriot: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

“Duty, honor, country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying point to build courage when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.” –Gen. Douglas MacArthur

Millions of Patriots — American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coastguardsmen — have, for generations honored their oath to “support and defend” our the Liberty enshrined in our Constitution. Today, we formally honor them. We remain the proud and the free because they have stood bravely in harm’s way, and millions remain on post today. For this, we, the American People, offer our heartfelt thanks.

“War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” –John Stuart Mill

“[I]n our hearts you will always be young, full of the love that is youth — love of life, love of joy, love of country. You fought for your country and for its safety and for the freedom of others with strength and courage. We love you for it. We honor you. And we have faith that, as He does all His sacred children, the Lord will bless you and keep you, the Lord will make His face to shine upon you and give you peace, now and forevermore.” –Ronald Reagan, handwritten note left at the Vietnam Veterans memorial, Veterans Day, November 11, 1988

What, politically speaking, would do NY the most good? Getting rid of the worst, #1eg. Speaker Silver

October 31, 2012

NYSGOP                                    Banner



Contact: Becky Miller 518-462-2601

Albany, NY…October 31, 2012 — Today the New York GOP released the following statement regarding Speaker Silver’s use of DACC money to silence Assembly Democrats:

Faced with well-substantiated charges that a powerful member of his caucus, Vito Lopez, had sexually harassed two staffers, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver took an active role in covering up the assaults, including authorizing secret payments of more than $100,000 of taxpayer money, disguised as “legal fees,” to the victims.

Many prominent Republicans have called on Silver to resign his speakership – but the silence from Assembly Democrats has been deafening.

New Yorkers are wondering why Assembly Democrats would refuse to speak out in favor of the right of women to a safe workplace.

The answer is simple: Assembly Democrats are less interested in protecting women than in protecting their own committee assignments, leadership positions, staffing dollars and other perks of office, as well as campaign money from the Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee (DACC), all of which is tightly controlled by Speaker Silver.

Assembly Democrats remember the 2000 smack down of former Majority Leader Mike Bragman when he attempted to challenge Silver’s leadership. That incident demonstrated what enormous power the speaker yields over his members.  Twelve years later, Democrats are still afraid to stand up to Silver, even in the face of such a heinous cover up.

Take Didi Barrett for example. The freshman Assemblywoman won a special election earlier this year and has since been the beneficiary of over a quarter of a million dollars of DACC cash.  Put in perspective, that’s over five times the total amount that she spent on her special election campaign earlier this year.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing.  When members of the Assembly like Didi Barrett refuse to stand up to Silver for fear of political blowback, the culture of corruption flourishes, and women in Albany pay the price.

Fiscal Report Card on Governors, Cuomo scores “D”; Other rankings for NY remain the worst; Worst business climate, Highest gas taxes, Unemp still higher than national avg, and Debt 2nd highest nationally; NO Pay hikes for State lawmakers, already the 3rd highest compensated!; NYer’s poll “worse off than 4 years ago”; and Hope for our congressional delegation like in NY!

October 22, 2012

Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors: 2012

The recovery from the recent recession has been very sluggish, and the nation’s governors have struggled with the resulting budget deficits, unemployment, and other economic problems in their states. Many reform-minded governors elected in 2010 have championed tax reforms and spending restraint to get their states back on track. Other governors have expanded government with old-fashioned tax-and-spend policies.

That is the backdrop to this year’s 11th biennial fiscal report card on the governors, which examines state budget actions since 2010. It uses statistical data to grade the governors on their taxing and spending records—governors who have cut taxes and spending the most receive the highest grades, while those who have increased taxes and spending the most receive the lowest grades.

Four governors were awarded an “A” in this report card—Sam Brownback of Kansas, Rick Scott of Florida, Paul LePage of Maine, and Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania. Five governors were awarded an “F”—Pat Quinn of Illinois, Dan Malloy of Connecticut, Mark Dayton of Minnesota, Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, and Chris Gregoire of Washington.

Many states are facing major fiscal problems in coming years. Rising debt and growing health and pension costs threaten tax increases down the road. At the same time, intense global economic competition makes it imperative that states improve their investment climates. To that end, some governors are pursuing broad-based tax reforms, such as cutting income tax rates and reducing property taxes on businesses. The bad news is that many governors are expanding narrow “tax incentives,” which clutter the tax code in an attempt to micromanage the economy.

This report discusses these trends and examines the fiscal policy actions of each governor. Hopefully, policymakers in more states will be encouraged to follow the fiscal reform approaches of the top-scoring governors.


(Our emphasis added: Whereas this report largely scores the policies and actions of the Governor himself, there is of course the notable impact of the State legislature which in NY is divided. We would contend without question, that the policies of the Democrat State Assembly drives the score down, while the policies of the Republican State Senate drives the score up.)

(Footnote2: Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors: 2010 – Gov Paterson Scored an “F” (25%). Now ask yourself what has changed since besides the governor and the answer is consistent with our sentiments above. Rather than the Democrats having a complete lock on the state during which time they went on the most irresponsible spending spree along with other bad policies, Democrat Speaker Silver has since lost his dictorial super majority control of the Assembly, and the Senate was returned to Republican control. Voters in 2012 would be very well advised to keep in that way!)


AND BY THE WAY: New York’s jobless rate may have fallen for the first time in 11 months in September, albeit nominally, a welcome sign for Gov. Andrew  Cuomo. However, let’s not forget that the Ny State’s unemployment rate remains well above the national average!

New York’s 2013 Business Tax Climate Index Ranks 50th

New York ranks 50th in the Tax Foundation’s State Business Tax Climate Index. The Index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes; individual income taxes; sales taxes; unemployment insurance taxes; and taxes on property, including residential and commercial property. The ranks of neighboring states are as follows: Pennsylvania (19th), New Jersey (49th), Connecticut (40th), and Vermont (47th).

50-State Comparison of Business Tax Climates (data only)

2013 State Business Tax Climate Index (full study)

2012 Tax Freedom Day (full study) Arrives on May 1 in New York

Tax Freedom Day is the day when Americans finally have earned enough money to pay off their total tax bill for the year. In 2012, New York taxpayers work until May 1 (ranked 2nd nationally) to pay their total tax bill. The Tax Freedom Days of neighboring states are: New Jersey, May 1 (ranked 2nd nationally); Pennsylvania, April 18 (ranked 14th nationally); Vermont, April 19 (ranked 13th nationally); Massachusetts, April 22 (ranked 8th nationally); and Connecticut, May 5 (ranked 1st nationally).

New York’s State and Local Tax Burden Second-Highest in Nation

During the past three decades, New York’s state and local tax burden percentage has ranked among the nation’s highest, currently estimated at 12.1% of income (2nd nationally), above the current national average of 9.8%…

New York’s Individual Income Tax System
New York’s personal income tax system consists of seven brackets with a top rate of 8.82%, kicking in at an income level of $10,000,000. Among states levying personal income taxes, this top rate ranks the state 7th highest nationally. New York’s 2010 state-level individual income tax collections were $1,796 per person, which ranked 1st highest in the nation.

New York Sales and Excise Taxes
New York levies a 4% general sales or use tax on consumers, below the national median of 6% [but localities are permitted to levy their own high sales taxes]. In 2009, New York’s state and local governments collected $1,170 per person in general sales taxes and $580 in excise taxes per person, for a combined figure of $1,750, which ranks 6th highest nationally. New York’s gasoline tax stands at 49 cents per gallon-the highest gas tax in the nation. New York’s cigarette tax stands at $4.35 per pack of twenty-the highest nationally.

State Gasoline Tax Rates,as of January 1, 2012 (Cents Per Gallon)

State, Excise Tax, Other Taxes and Fees, Total, Rank

N.Y., 8.1¢, 40.9¢, 49.0¢, 1st (highest)

New York Property Taxes among Nation’s Highest
New York’s local governments collected $2,136 per capita in property taxes during fiscal year 2009, which is the latest year the Census Bureau published state-by-state property tax collections. New York is one of the13 states that collect no state-level property taxes. Its per capita property tax collections in FY2009 rank 5th nationally.
State and Local Property Tax Collections Per Capita by State

New York’s Corporate Income Tax System
New York’s corporate tax structure is composed of a flat rate of 7.1% on all corporate income. Among states levying corporate income taxes, New York’s rate ranks 24th highest. In 2010, state-level corporate tax collections (excluding local taxes) were $201 per capita and ranked 7th highest nationally.

NY GOP to Comptroller: Comptroller DiNapoli’s Oversight Begins At Home (and about our state’s debt level, 2nd highest in the nation)

Albany, NY… August 19, 2012 – Today the New York GOP released the following statement in response to Comptroller DiNapoli’s comments regarding Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan:

Tom DiNapoli is what happens when you take a career politician with no experience in economics, but make him Comptroller anyway.
The man responsible for oversight of New York’s budget and finances just said that although he can’t come up with “a hard number,” he was certain that the Romney-Ryan plan would be “incredibly devastating” for New York.
The role of the Comptroller is to be fair, honest and nonpartisan. His public statements should be based on facts, not biased speculation.
Well here are the facts: the Obama White House hasn’t produced a serious federal budget since 2009, with the Democrat-controlled Senate voting down his last two budgets 99-0 and 97-0.
Obama’s plan for solving the Nation’s fiscal crisis, “tax the rich!”, is unserious (Obama’s beloved “Buffett Rule” would raise a paltry $47 billion over ten years, against projected trillion dollar yearly deficits ), deliberately divisive, and hits high-income New York worse than almost any other state.
Where is Tom DiNapoli’s outrage over Obama’s failure to manage America’s finances?
Back in New York, the New York Post just reported that Democratic Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera “used a taxpayer-funded nonprofit as her personal piggy bank, installed her unqualified lover as the group’s leader – and then helped him get a fat raise so he could take her on nice dates.”
Rivera joins Carl Kruger, Pedro Espada, Vito Lopez and too many others in the overcrowded Democrats’ Hall of Shame.
Where is Tom DiNapoli’s outrage over Democrats’ corruption in Albany?
Where is his oversight?
New York is in crisis: when adding the total of outstanding official debt, pension and other post-employment benefits liabilities and Unemployment Trust Fund loans, New York’s total debt is over $305 billion, worse than every state other than California.
Now more than ever, New Yorkers need a comptroller who will keep a credible watchful eye over our state’s budget and finances.
But Tom DiNapoli would rather pitch partisan attacks.

Oppose any Pay Hikes for NY State Lawmakers

Regardless of whether they last had a raise 12 years ago or 20 years ago, and reagrdless of what additional people’s business is completed this year! NYS lawmakers are the 3rd highest compensated legislators in the country (of course #1 being California) and as such, especially considering NY’s poor record in so many other areas, do we really need to see NY become the 2nd, or even #1, highest paid government in the nation?

Legislator Compensation, 2012

Source: Empire Center – By state as of April 2012New York Ranks third highest of all states in yearly salary
State Salary Per Diem (Allowance for Daily Expenses)
New York $79,500/year $171/per full day and $61 per half day.

Cuomo Says Do “The People’s Business” Before Pay Raise

Governor Cuomo says if state lawmakers are looking for a pay raise in a post election session, they’ll have to accomplish some items on his agenda first. The governor says before state legislators ask him for a pay hike, as is expected once elections are finished, they’ll have to make progress on some unfinished business from the last legislative session first.

Cuomo says he’s seeking action on increasing the minimum wage, reforming New York City’s Stop and Frisk laws, and decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana. “The concept of a pay raise is’ well, the legislature’s really done a good job’,” asid Cuomo.

But the governor says the lawmakers would then have to “perform well”. “To perform well means, in my book, to do the people’s business,” he said.

Cuomo is not ruling out a pay hike. He’s said in the past that his commissioners need a raise. He says the relatively low pay has been a barrier to hiring quality people.

More New Yorkers think they’re worse off today than four years ago: Poll

ALBANY — More New Yorkers think they’re worse off than better off today vs. four years ago, according to a new poll.

Siena College found 47 percent of Empire State residents say they’re worse off now, while 35 percent believe they’re better off.

But 50 percent think the nation’s economic problems are only temporary, up five percent from a year ago. Still, the other half thinks America’s best economic days are gone, according to the survey, which was underwritten by First Niagara Bank.

There’s also a deep divide over Obamacare. Forty percent agree with Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney and favor repeal of President Obama’s health care plan that Romney says will take money out of Americans’ pockets, while 43 percent back Obama, who says the law will ensure coverage for everyone.

Meantime, the Oct. 2-6 telephone survey of 621 state residents found 68 percent favor increasing federal income taxes on Americans making more than $250,000 and most oppose reducing corporate tax rates, 54 to 31 percent.

Three quarters of New York residents support increased development of domestic oil and natural gas — though the survey did not specifically ask about “hydrofracking,” the controversial technique of drilling for natural gas with a chemical, water and sand mix as the Cuomo administration weighs whether to allow it in upstate New York’s Marcellus shale.

Altschuler leading in the latest two polls! Newsday silent. »

Bishop AltschulerOct182012pm / Take a look at James Hohmann’s item in Politico’s Morning Score today on a new poll showing Altschuler leading Tim Bishop by 5 points, 48 – 43. Politico’s Morning Score today:…

Randy Altschuler Job Creator vs. Tim Bishop Job Destroyer
Tim Bishop Is In Deep Trouble – After weeks of being dogged by questions about his ethics and recently “earning” the dubious distinction of being named one of the 12 most corrupt Members of Congress by a leading, non-partisan watchdog group, Tim Bishop is in deep trouble.

New York’s Tim Bishop named CREW’s Most Corrupt

 2012 State Senate and State Assembly rankings released

Conservative Party of New York State
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GOP Senate candidate backs gas drilling, rips Gillibrand. Other important issues. Nov 6th – Vote Wendy for NY

October 14, 2012
Wendy LongFILE – In this March 16, 2012 file photo, New York City attorney Wendy Long speaks during the New York State Republican Convention in Rochester, N.Y.  /  AP Photo/David Duprey, File

2:55 PM, Oct. 11, 2012  |Written by Associated PressALBANY, N.Y. (AP)— Republican Senate candidate Wendy Long says developing upstate New York’s natural gas formations could bring desperately needed jobs and criticized Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand over the issue.Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration is considering whether to allow the exploration of shale gas through the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. It is not a federal decision, though Gillibrand says concerns about clean air and water should be addressed before drilling moves forward.Long said during an Albany news conference Thursday that Gillibrand has cast her lot with the “far-left” environmentalists and celebrities who oppose fracking. Gillibrand campaign spokesman Glen Caplin said he would not comment on what he called conspiracy theories from a struggling campaign.

Long said Cuomo should move faster, but blamed the delay on outside pressure.

Wendy Long shared a link.

22 hours ago Meanwhile, my opponent walks across the state with phony, so-called ‘jobs’ bills that are nothing more than spending a few more taxpayer dollars and not even getting any more certain jobs.
Wendy Long: Don’t forget about the Utica Shale! | Albany Watch
Standing next to a giant map of the gas-rich rock formation spanning several four states and two Canadian provinces, GOP Senate candidate Wendy
Wendy Long shared a link.
10 hours ago To me, the real threat to public health is the lack of jobs…
Long: Gillibrand’s positions hurt jobs
It is an economic opportunity. It does help us to become independent of Middle Eastern oil. Those two goals are
Marcellus & Utica Shale Reserves Will Provide Jobs for New York
“From Welch Allyn in Skaneateles, to Sikorsky in Big Flats to GM in Honeoye Falls, New York is losing manufacturing
Wendy Long shared a link.

October 4 President Obama’s 2012 State of the Union address: “And my administration will take every possible action to safely develop this energy.” Senator Gillibrand’s response: “I did not love that part of the speech.”
Long asks Sen Gillibrand to please explain to New Yorkers where she disagrees with the President
“The fact is Senator Gillibrand wants to have it both ways — telling editorial boards
Wendy Long shared a link.

Wednesday Senator Gillibrand’s penchant to tax whatever moves, spend whatever you have, and regulate the rest view towards government is contributing to New York’s tax hell.
New York’s Tax Climate from Bad to Worst with the Help of Senator Gillibrand
Wendy Long shared a link.
October 8 I was on “Fox and Friends” this morning to talk more about this phony “War on Women.”
Are Democrats fanning the war on women?
New York Senate candidate Wendy Long weighs in
America has a “spending-control crisis” — and the Democrats are trying to divert attention from it by creating a GOP war on women, New York
These are the people who have created this big government that is really putting such a drag on our economy and causing our continued high unemployment — and it’s that terrible record that my opponent and the Democrats want to distract attention from.

Senator Wendy, if You Please

Kathryn Jean Lopez writes on NRO: If Republicans ran the culture, Wendy Long would be a household name. She’d be a heroine. She’d be celebrated. She’d have a Barbie doll named

Religious Liberty Is Issue for Candidates

Posted on 03 October 2012. by Wendy Long

While crisscrossing the state in my campaign for the U.S. Senate, I was recently sitting around a table talking with some women. I asked them, “What’s the most important issue facing our nation and our state?”

The tears welled up in one woman’s eyes, then spilled down her cheeks.

“Wendy, my daughter just graduated from college. She has a huge amount of debt. She can’t find a job anywhere. I was so proud of her, and now we don’t know what to do. Our children have become New York’s biggest export.”

With so many families struggling with unemployment, the high cost of groceries and gas, Medicare and Social Security headed for bankruptcy, and the federal government debt skyrocketing to unprecedented levels, it’s understandable that many Catholics here in New York have not focused on another threat to our values – a threat that’s as big as the failure of our elected officials to address our broken economy.

As I write this, our freedom as Catholics is being stomped upon by the Obama Administration. Obamacare is forcing Catholic institutions such as hospitals, schools, and charities, as of Aug. 1, to provide and pay for insurance coverage of sterilization, contraception, and abortion-causing drugs.

The Obama Administration and my opponent, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, insist that this government mandate is an issue of “women’s health.” Sen. Gillibrand actually claims that the Catholic Church is behind “attacks that are being launched against women’s rights and women’s health.”

Her charge is so grossly wrong that it is hard to know where to start. But let me set the record straight:

– The Catholic Church has been at the forefront of protecting the lives and health of women, and all Americans. I don’t think there is another institution in our nation’s history that has done so much for so many – whether in caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, helping the poor, educating our children, and defending and protecting the weakest among us. The Church and her institutions have never attacked anyone, and they are certainly not attacking women.

– The Catholic Church believes in free will. The Church passes on to us its teaching of more than two millennia about human dignity and the sanctity of human life. The Church offers unconditional healing and help to all of us sinners. But Holy Mother Church has never — ever — attempted, as my opponent claims, to “make medical decisions for someone” who is employed by a Church institution.

– Our nation was born of the bedrock principle of freedom of religion: that the government may not dictate to people of faith that they have to take actions that violate that faith. As Cardinal Timothy Dolan has said, “The federal government should do what it’s traditionally done since July 4, 1776, namely back out of intruding into the internal life of the Church.”

– But for the first time in the history of our country, a President of the United States – and his allies, like my opponent – are ordering faithful Catholics and other people of conscience to genuflect at their altar of almighty government, to fall in line and obey, even if it violates their religious beliefs. If they do not abide by Obamacare’s abortion-contraception-sterilization mandate, many Catholic charitable institutions – as well as private businesses run by Catholic Americans – will face millions of dollars in fines that will force many of them out of business.

– This issue has nothing whatsoever to do with women’s health. It is about government intrusion into our Catholic faith and into the lives of all people of conscience. No one’s faith and beliefs will be safe if the Obama-Gillibrand mandate is allowed to stand. President Obama and Senator Gillibrand intend to force their anti-Catholic views on every single Catholic in this nation. And if they can crush Catholics under their boot heel, they can crush anyone else, too.

The Archdiocese of New York and the Diocese of Rockville Centre have filed suit against the Obama Administration to reverse the clear violation of religious liberty and freedom of conscience in Obamacare.

Bishop DiMarzio has issued the call to all of us: “As citizens of a nation that prides herself on religious liberty, we should be outraged that the government would … coerce any institution to cooperate with what they deem to be evil.”

Amen. We cannot sit by silently any longer as Washington attempts to crush our faith and our Church.

Watertown Daily Times | Long on chances against Gillibrand: ‘It’s not impossible’
Wendy E. Long, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in New York,
The fight is worth fighting.
Wendy Long shared a link.

September 29 I jumped into this race because I believe, in 2012, everything is on the line for America. Our free-market economy is on the line. Capitalism is on the line. The dignity of work and the dignity of human life are on the line. Our security; our energy independence; so much is at stake in this election…
Wendy Long shared a link.

September 28 From Obamacare to defense cuts, from Welch Allyn to Sikorsky, the effects of Senator Gillibrand’s failed economic policies are being felt by New York’s manufacturers and killing jobs and dreams for New Yorkers in the process.
On Nov 6th – VOTE Long – “NY needs Wendy”

Yay, NY slips back into last place! The most unfriendly tax state and worst business environment / Also NYS debt 2nd highest nationally / And, are you better off then 4 years ago? – less NYer’s think so

October 12, 2012

New York Ranked Last in Business Tax Climate

A survey of the panoply of taxes levied by government places New York dead last in the climate for small business, according to a survey by the tax foundation.
That’s the reason you see an entire industry is what is called ‘economic development’. Agencies and law firms trading tax abatements in an effort to create the illusion NY is a good place to do business. The downside is that it masks the ambient climate for those businesses and individuals not granted the largesse.
Abatements on things like sales tax and property tax have the result of more regressivity for those left paying such taxes. Yet if you don’t do it, the mantra becomes ‘what are you doing to create jobs ?’
States like NY have created an endless scenario of the dog chasing its own tail.

50th-place state tax ranking stings New  Yorkers

Cuomo official calls study biased in favor of flat tax

By Rick  Karlin, • 518-454-5758 • @RickKarlinTUThursday, October 11, 2012

ALBANY — The Washington, D.C.-based Tax  Foundation made some waves earlier in the week when it handed New York a  last place spot in its national rankings of the tax-friendly, or unfriendly  states.

“New York scores at the bottom,” concluded the report.

The state Business  Council shot back on Tuesday, hours after New York’s 50th-place ranking,  saying that the survey overlooked the strides Gov. Andrew  Cuomo has made in improving the business climate, including a 2 percent cap  on property taxes.

“This report does not reflect the progress New York has made in its budget  and tax policy over the past two years,” said Business Council President and CEO Heather  Briccetti.

Then on Thursday, Cuomo’s secretary, Larry  Schwartz, responded by saying the survey was biased and put too much  emphasis on income and other taxes and not enough on the property tax burdens,  which often trump other costs in New York.

“They basically took a bunch of data sets and manipulated them to fit their  worldview, which is based upon a flat tax, not a progressive tax, which we have  in New York state,” Schwartz said during an interview on Talk 1300 radio with  host Fred  Dicker.

He noted the conservative, non-partisan Tax Foundation supports the concept  of a flat tax, as opposed to a progressive tax where higher earners pay a larger  percentage of their incomes.

“If they had bothered to look at the taxes, they would have known that New  York businesses pay over five times as much in property taxes to localities as  they do in income taxes,” added Schwartz.

He said that businesses in the Empire State pay $443 per employee in  corporate income taxes while they pay $2,300 per employee in property taxes.

The foundation does put more weight on income taxes than property taxes, said  economist Scott  Drenkard, who worked on the survey.

But that’s because there is more variability in income tax rates between the  states and the idea of the survey is to point out the competitive differences,  he said.

For property taxes, he said, the rates are similar in most places — except  for New York and New Jersey, which are in a class of their own since the taxes  are so high.

“It’s more tightly clustered,” he said of property tax rates in the other 48  states.

The off-the-charts property tax rates in New York and New Jersey are borne  out in the numbers, said Drenkard, who agreed with Schwartz’s $2,300 per person  property tax cost to business.

He said that was basically a per capita calculation that looked at the cost  spread out over the entire state’s population of 19.4 million people, pitted  against the total amount of property tax dollars that are paid each year.

(Tax department figures show that in 2009, the latest year for which full  data was available, $44 billion in property taxes were paid: $26 billion by  residential owners and $16 billion by businesses).

Schwartz had other problems with the survey. He scoffed at some of the  top-ranked states, such as third place Nevada (Wyoming, with no income taxes and  lots of oil and gas revenue, took the top spot for business-friendly tax  environments).

Even though Nevada looks good on taxes, Schwartz pointed to its 14 percent  unemployment rate, compared to 9 percent in New York.

“I’d rather be in New York and not in Nevada,” Schwartz said.

Drenkard noted Cuomo hasn’t been shy about using his organization’s rankings  in the past — in his 2011 State of the State speech he alluded to New York’s  poor rating (they were also in last place at the time) in pointing to the need  for change.

“He didn’t have a problem with it then, but I guess he has a problem with it  now,” Drenkard said, alluding to Cuomo.


DiNapoli: State spent $6,859 per NYer last year, state debt equals $3,253 per NYer (2nd highest nationally)

Oct 12, 2012   |  Jon Campbell Albany Bureau

ALBANY — The state spent $6,859 per resident last fiscal year while cutting its total spending by $1.3 billion, according to the state Comptroller’s Office.

Including federal funds, the state spent $133.5 billion in the fiscal year ending March 31 — a 1 percent decrease from the previous year, an annual financial report from Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli found.

But since 2008, state spending increased by 15 percent, about twice the rate of inflation. State debt totaled $63.3 billion last year — about $3,253 per resident, according to DiNapoli’s office.

“State policy decisions in the past two years have made budgetary balance a primary goal, but challenges still remain,” DiNapoli said in a statement. “The challenge is to build on the progress made and put New York State on a truly sustainable fiscal path.”

All told, 68 percent of the state’s spending went to cover education and health costs, according to the report.

Medicaid costs, for example, have increased steadily since the 2008-09 fiscal year, from $32.8 billion to $41.4 billion last year. The state spends more per pupil on primary and secondary education, according to DiNapoli, spending $18,618 during the 2009-10 school year.



Are NYers better off than four years ago? More say ‘No’

10:53 AM, Oct 12, 2012   | Joseph Spector Albany Bureau Chief
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ALBANY — Forty-seven percent of New Yorkers said they are worse off now than they were four years ago, compared to 37 percent who said they are better off today, according to a Siena College poll Friday.

The poll of 621 state residents found that voters felt their finances were in worse shape than in 2008, the last presidential election. When asked about their savings and their income versus expenses, a plurality of voters – 40 percent in both cases – said they were worse off.

“New Yorkers continue to climb a steep financial hill. Few say that their load has lightened since this time in 2008,” said Don Levy, the director of the Siena Research Institute, which conducted the poll that was underwritten by First Niagara Bank.

The poll comes a month before the presidential elections, as well as elections for Congress and the state Legislature. Enrolled Democrats outnumber Republicans in New York by a 2-to-1 margin.

Voters were split on their outlook of the national economy. Fifty percent, up from 45 percent a year ago, said they thought the nation’s current economic problems were temporary, the poll ssid. Half of those polled thought the country’s best days had passed.

Levy said the results showed more voters were looking, albeit slightly, to a brighter future.

“With half saying the economic glass is more full than empty as they look to the future, the trail may be evening out as we hit the next bend,” he said in a statement. “Younger New Yorkers, Democrats, and those with jobs are more optimistic than their older, Republican and not-working neighbors.”

The view of the economy was weakest in upstate and the New York City suburbs, the poll found.

By a 51 percent to 34 percent margin, upstate voters said they were worse off than four years. The sentiment was similar in the suburbs: 50 percent to 32 percent. In New York City, 42 percent of voters said they were worse off than they were four years ago, compared to 37 percent who said their situation had improved.

The economy, polls have shown, is the top issue in both New York and the nation.

New York’s unemployment rate in August was 9.1 percent — one percentage point above the national rate.

A report Tuesday by the Tax Foundation, a fiscally conservative group based in Washington D.C., said that New York’s tax climate was the worst in the nation.

Friday’s Siena poll found that the percentage of households with a member losing a job was unchanged from last year — 18 percent last year to 17 percent this month.

The “Annual New York Survey of the Economy and Personal Finances” by Siena College, which is located near Albany, had a margin of error of 3.9 percentage points. It was conducted Oct. 2-6.